Welcome! This Blog is run by two amazing lady runners who don't fit into a box.

I am a runner who does NOT fit into the stereotypical body type of a runner. I have hips, a bum, thighs, and breasts. I jiggle all over the place no matter how much spandex I put on, and my gut usually hangs over my shorts. I work in the mental health field, and have a passion for inciting outrage regarding the media's portrayal of women, their bodies, and their abilities. I am a beautiful woman who sometimes struggles to remember it. I am a runner who sometimes feels more like a slogger.


I have the spirit of a runner inside me that just won't let me quit- no matter how much I sometimes would like to! Physically, I certainly have many of the things Chrys mentions up there- hips, thighs, bum, boobs, tummy, all of it- and Lord knows all of it likes to jiggle around while I do just about anything, especially running! I am passionate about body image, the Health at Every Size & Size Acceptance movements, and love finding inspiration in as many places as possible. Working as a therapist, one of my personal goals is to live as in-line with my values as I possibly can- this blog is one of the ways I figure all that out.

Join us on out adventures in running and ramblings on Body Image.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Today I went on my longest run in a great long while. I had a distance goal (no speed goal) of 4 miles, and a vague idea that I might try out my understanding of the Galloway method and run for 3 minutes and walk 1 minute for as long as I can. The first half of the run went very well- maintained that ration for 1.75m, then needed to walk a little longer, so planned to switch to a 2:1 ratio. Unfortunately, midway through my first 2:1, right about the 2m mark, my left ankle barked at me that it had a blister.

I tried to walk it off, adjust my position and generally determined to *just deal with it.* I briefly paused to check my ankle and noticed that the band-aid I'd lovingly placed over my blister spot (trying to be pro-active!) had slipped off. Annoyed, I attempted to reapply and adjust my sock and *just keep going.* And the more I tried to just go through it, the more pain I was in- both from the blister and from doing things like walking on my toe, walking on different areas of my foot, and trying to move past it. Finally I broke down and realized I was just gonna have to walk the rest of the way. Even that was too much and finally, I stumbled over to a bench for support and decided to take the still-functioning band-aid off my right ankle and relocate it to my left, hoping it would manage. I tied my shoes extra tight, determining that this would help and, if I had to sacrifice the top of my foot to a bruise from the shoelaces that this would be better than further ripping the skin off my ankle.

Unfortunately, all those things I was doing to try and muscle through the pain made it impossible to run more. The entirety of the second half of the run was a walk- but a power walk. And it got me thinking.

A blister is nothing but a small wound that is insanely irritating. I began to think about what emotional blisters people might have- what small wounds are insanely irritating and effect your choices, even though it seems like they must be tiny. In what ways do people try to deal with those things that ultimately make them worse? And when do people finally realize that maybe, just maybe, it's ok to need support for the small stuff? That it's ok to stop and truly course correct- whether that means sacrificing a goal, sacrificing something else that might be going ok, or sacrificing an innate sense of stubbornness that, perhaps, needed to be sacrificed anyway.

And then maybe you can learn a lesson or two. For instance, I'll now be packing my new Camelback MiniMULE with fresh bandages (nothing like a little coping ahead)- and perhaps doing some reflecting on what emotional "blisters" might be holding me back in other areas of my life- what may need to be "sacrificed" for an overall betterment of my life.


  1. Oh wow. No wonder I have a lecture coming my way! Definitely going to put some thought into my tendancy to over work myself and any blisters that might be contributing!

  2. Interesting connection! Especially since, as you mentioned, something as small as a blister makes you walk or run a bit differently and change your gait... if you keep going, you have a blister *plus* some actual injuries from compensating for it.

    I do sometimes wonder how much my "quirks" affect the big stuff. This is going to lead to some pondering :)
